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How does Ideaflip work?

Understanding what a Web App is

Rob Glover avatar
Written by Rob Glover
Updated over a week ago

Ideaflip is a Web App, sometimes described as a Progressive Web App (PWA). This means it lives in your web browser but behaves as if it is a fully functioning program that might live in your computer or mobile.

Using the latest modern programming techniques we've built software that only needs a web browser, there is no download, no mobile app, all you need is a modern web browser and you are good to go.

Do I need to download or install anything to use Ideaflip?

Other than a web browser (which we assume you already have, if you're reading this) you don't need to install anything else on your computer.  Ideaflip runs in your web browser like any other website.

Which web browsers do you support?

Ideaflip runs in most modern web browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.  We also support Apple Safari and Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and Edge.

Do you have an App?

No, Ideaflip is a 'web app' in that it uses the features of newer web browsers to run right here, in the page.  You don't need to install it from an App Store.

Can I use it offline?

Ideaflip is designed to work while you are connected to the internet (it is cloud-based software).  While it will handle lost connections fine it can't yet be used offline.

How do I save / know my work is safe?

Ideaflip saves all changes you make as you go along (so that you can work with the users of the board in real-time); there is no explicit 'save' menu item.

To give you confidence that it is doing this, there is a little grey animated square that will show while data is being sent to our servers.  When this disappears your changes have been saved.

Ideaflip will warn you if it has not been able to maintain a connection to the servers and will advise you to screenshot your board as it may have not saved the last few minutes work.

You can also export your board as a PNG or PDF at any time if you want a local backup copy.

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