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How do I copy a Board?

Can I copy just part or a Board?

Rob Glover avatar
Written by Rob Glover
Updated over a week ago

You can copy Boards from the Board Menu or Dashboard

If you are in the Board that you want to copy click/touch the Ideaflip logo top-left to reveal the board menu. Select Copy Board and you will be taken to a confirmation screen. Chose a new name and your Board and click/touch the copy button.

In the Dashboard (the first screen you see when you log-in) you will see mini screenshots of all of your boards. Click/touch on the board that you wish to copy. This will enlarge the screenshot and give you some options below. Click [copy] and you will be taken to a confirmation screen. Chose a new name and your Board and click/touch the copy button.

Copying just some of the contents of the Board to a new Board

Follow the process above. When you are at the confirmation page you can choose not to copy the whole Board but you can select just the Groups. Select as many Groups as you want by checking the check-boxes. Click/touch the copy button and a new Board will be created with your new name and just the Groups you selected.

Tip. You can also copy your Board or its Groups into an existing Board by choosing copy into and selecting an existing board from the drop-down.

Tip. You can decide if you want the same users to have access to the board by checking or unchecking the Copy existing users?

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